Bedwetting is more common than most people think. Bedwetting impacts millions of children, teens and adults in the US and more countries all over the world. Most of the bedwetting people resort to diapers to prevent urine leaks, but this is not a permanent solutions.
There are many other solutions that can prevent bedwetting & can gradually permanently stop bedwetting are also available. There are number of solution available in the market to prevent bedwetting, these are available for all ages.
Bedwetting solutions that can permanently stop nighttime wetting include bedwetting alarms. These alarms help one to build up a routine to their body cycle where they would urinate after a regular intervals. This alarms are available to prevent adult bedwetting too!
In addition to bedwetting alarms, other solutions include prescription medication. There could be various reasons for bedwetting in adult’s, so going to a doctor & getting the right medication can help one for recover faster.
- Timed voiding (waking up periodically at night) could be another reason, some people find it difficult to have deep sleep at night. Here the brain gets tired & is not able to respond properly to many physical things and this can lead to bedwetting.
- Fluid caffeinated drinks prior to going to bed, due to intake of such fluids bedwetting can take place, for proper sleep and to avoid bedwetting make sure that you do not consume any such fluids two to three hours prior to sleep. Avoid caffeine drinks during night & drink less water in the evenings.
- The use of vibrating reminder watches, helps you wake up time to time & check if your bladder is giving you any instructions. They do not make loud noise & hence makes it user friendly for adults who are shy to accept or wants to hide bedwetting problem.
- Bedwetting alarms are preferred as they are safe, doctor recommended and have no side effects on any age group, bedwetting alarms are designed in a way that a four years old child too can program it & reset it as per requirement. Also, they are easy to use and discreet (not noticeable in most cases).