Empty the bladder- Schedule bathroom breaks every few hours. Empty the bladder completely prior to going to bed.
Getting into the routine- Your doctor or caretaker will usually give you a routine to follow which is designed to help a bedwetter. Follow the routine carefully as it is very helpful bedwetting treatment.
Consider if constipation is a factor- This affects about one third of bedwetters who wet the bed, though they are unlikely to identify or share information about constipation.
Motivational therapy- Bedwetting treatment mainly needs education. Motivation is important, you should also consider reading facts related for bedwetting treatment.
Avoid eating certain foods-. Caffeine acts as a diuretic, meaning that it simulates the bladder to produce more urine. During the late evening time avoid foods that can irritate the bladder like coffee, tea, chocolate and sodas or other carbonated beverages containing caffeine as they are not good for bedwetting treatment.
Positive approach- one must adopt a supportive approach towards bedwetting treatment which is very important for installing confidence in bedwetters. Punishment has no role to play in this case.
Reward System- Be encouraging. Make a bedwetter feel good about progress by consistently rewarding successes.
Consider using an Enuresis alarms- Bedwetting alarms are an effective bedwetting treatment for children’s. Alarms are also recommended for teens and adults who desire an active treatment.
Large variety of bedwetting alarms or pee alarms are available that offers the possibility of sustained improvement of bedwetting and should be considered for almost every bedwetter for their bedwetting treatment.
Wearable bedwetting alarms- In these alarms the sensors are attached to the underwear or pajama near the point where the urination first occurs to prompt sensing of wetness, when the alarm sounds the bedwetter wakes up and attends the bathroom to finish voiding. Over the time with the help of this bedwetting alarm a bedwetter learns to get up by himself before the sensor detects the urine and even before the alarm sounds and would eventually stop wetting the bed.
Bedside bedwetting alarms- It uses a bed mat sensor. The bedwetting mat is placed on the bed, usually below the bedsheet and the alarm is placed on the bedside. Upon detecting urine, the user wakes up and attends the bathroom to finish voiding. Over time the bedwetter learns to get up by himself before the sensor detects urine and even before the alarm sounds and would eventually stop wetting the bed. Bedside alarms are used by children, teens and adults to monitor bedwetting accidents.
Choosing the right alarm is important for your bedwetting treatment. One Stop Bedwetting offers a large selection of bedwetting alarm and provides free specialist support to help you select the perfect alarm and guide you throughout the treatment process.
Our specialists recommend adding waterproof bedding to your alarm selection. Waterproof bedding will protect your bed and make clean up easier. Save time and money by purchasing a bedwetting kit.
Need help choosing waterproof bedding?