Chummie Elite Bedwetting Alarm Support
If you need assistance with your Chummie Elitebedwetting alarm system, you have reached the right page. The One Stop Bedwetting support team has grouped most commonly asked questions by parents and testers over the years. We combined these questions for your convenience.First time users of the Chummie system will learn how to set up the Chummie Elite bedwetting alarm, change tones, adjust volume and control vibration. More experienced users of the can troubleshoot the alarm unit and sensor if they are encountering difficulty with the product.
This section also provides assistance on how to clean the alarm and sensor for continued flawless operation. If you need additional assistance or you need to contact Support, visit the Contact Us section.
If you need to purchase additional Chummie accessories, visit the Bedwetting Alarm Accessories section.
To download user manuals, progress charts and other valuable information, click here.
For further assistance with the Chummie Elite bedwetting alarm or for additional information, please select from the sections below. To learn more about a section, simply visit a section and click over the question that interests you. Relevant information will be shown.