Cleaning Bedwetting Stains
Friday, 01 July 2022
by One Stop Bedwetting
Whether you have a bedwetting child, teen or a potty-training toddler at home, cleaning stained bedding and mattress can be challenging. Here are some helpful tips that can help make cleaning tough urine stains a bit simpler. Tip 1: To fight tough urine stains after a bedwetting event, remove all the wet bedding and wash
- Published in Bedwetting in Children, Bedwetting Tips, Potty Training
Teenage Bed Wetting
Wednesday, 01 September 2021
by One Stop Bedwetting
Talking about bladder issues is never easy for anyone no matter what the age. Bed wetting is even a bigger challenge for teens who are often worried of being ridiculed or teased by their peers. Most teens simply don’t want to talk openly to their parents or physicians about the emotional and social challenges that
- Published in Bedwetting Teens
Bed-Wetting in Special Needs Children
Thursday, 01 July 2021
by One Stop Bedwetting
Bed-wetting in special needs children is very stressful and challenging for both parents and children. Did you know that bed-wetting is a very common problem impacting millions of children and one that is also treatable? There are many bed-wetting solutions and treatment options that can help a special needs child to overcome the problem quickly and
- Published in Bedwetting in Special Needs Children
Top 5 Bedwetting Mistakes Parents Make
Monday, 08 February 2021
by One Stop Bedwetting
Nighttime bedwetting can be a worrying concern for parents and children. When you find your child has passed urine in their sleep instead of getting up, it can be a cause of concern. After all, children should wake up as soon as they feel full and use the bathroom. Instead, you as a parent have
- Published in Bedwetting, Bedwetting Alarms, Bedwetting in Children, Bedwetting Teens, Bedwetting Tips
Incontinence Psychology and Bedwetting
Tuesday, 01 September 2020
by One Stop Bedwetting
Do children wet their beds or clothes for psychological reasons? It was previously believed that bedwetting in children, teenage bedwetting and adult bed wetting was for psychological reasons – due to deficient upbringing, frightening experiences or mental immaturity. We now know that these beliefs are false. Incontinence in children was not on purpose, they have
- Published in Bedwetting, Bedwetting Alarms, Bedwetting Tips, Secondary Enuresis
Bedwetting and Self Esteem
Saturday, 01 August 2020
by One Stop Bedwetting
Self-esteem is a sensitive issue for children who wet the bed especially as the child grows older. Handling a bedwetting situation appropriately is important in boosting your child’s confidence, avoiding embarrassment and helping them on the path to dryness. Wondering what you can do and how to stop bedwetting and affecting your child’s self-esteem? Here
- Published in Bedwetting, Bedwetting in Boys, Bedwetting in Children, Bedwetting in Girls
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