Bedwetting in Adults
Overactive Bladder Treatment in Adults
Thursday, 02 May 2019
by One Stop Bedwetting
Have you been diagnosed with an overactive bladder? Well, there are many treatment options that can help you. Depending on the cause, your doctor can suggest that treatment plan that treats your symptoms with minimum side effects. Lifestyle Choices Suggesting some lifestyle changes may be your doctor’s first step for an effective overactive bladder treatment.
- Published in Bedwetting in Adults, Bedwetting Teens, Bedwetting Tips
Adult Bed Wetting Causes & Solutions
Thursday, 01 November 2018
by One Stop Bedwetting
There is a tendency to believe that bedwetting affects children. Admittedly, nocturnal enuresis affects 10% of children and especially boys, but this phenomenon also affects adults and is seen as a sign of an immature, developing bladder. Research suggests bedwetting occurs in 1 to 2 percent of adults. However, the number may be higher. For
- Published in Bedwetting, Bedwetting in Adults
Overactive Bladder and Adult Bed Wetting
Sunday, 01 July 2018
by One Stop Bedwetting
Overactive bladder in adults is a form of urinary incontinence—the involuntary passing of urine. It is reported to affect more than 13 million adults in the United States. In this blog, we discuss some of the symptoms, causes and solutions of overactive bladder leading to adult bed wetting and recommend bedwetting solutions. Symptoms Here are
- Published in Bedwetting in Adults