Parental support is the key to a child’s success in anything in life. Overcoming bedwetting is no different. If you have recently started dealing with a bedwetting child you will be surprised know that there are about 5 to 7 million children in the U.S. who wet their beds. And though children overcome bedwetting at some point, they cannot do it without your love and understanding. So, begin the journey toward dryness by educating yourself about bedwetting-its causes and every possible treatment options and there pros and cons. You can find many helpful resources like the Chummie Bedwetting Blog.
As you educate yourself, involve your child. Scour the internet or read books such as It’s No Accident and I have to Go and many others to explain what bedwetting is and how bladder works. Tell your child that bedwetting is involuntary and it’s not their fault. You might want to involve your child in choosing the right treatment option such as bedwetting alarm systems and/or medication.
While you work with your child in finding the right solution, it is important to sensitize other children or family members to the challenges that your young bed wetter faces every day. If you or your partner or a close relative were bed wetters, share those stories with your child. Sharing stories will set an example for your child and make him or her feel that overcoming bedwetting is achievable.
Appreciate your child’s milestones with a rewards system such as watching a favorite movie or playing a video game or if your child is younger you can give him or her stickers to mark dry nights. However, if your child doesn’t respond to the treatment option such as bedwetting alarms initially, or has a bedwetting accident after being dry for few nights, don’t get angry or punish your child. Instead, encourage your child to follow through the treatment plan and offer reassurance.
I always thought that bedwetting was a child’s fault and that he could overcome it on his own. I was wrong. This is an extremely useful article and I has taught me how the Smart alarm can help my son.
As a parent of a bedwetting child, this is a refreshing article. Thanks for the creative knowledge and information here. I find it useful and will buy one of your alarms.
This is a great article and I am glad that I read it. I feel that parents really do need to play an important role in helping their child overcome bedwetting and this is a very educational resource put together.